Clan Crusader

The Clan Crusader is a classic British sports car that, frankly has not had the exposure it deserves. But what IS a Clan? Find out in this handy video guide…

This new project aims to change that, by curating a series of content across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to showcase the Hillman Imp engined car, built in Washington, North East England in the early seventies.

Watch video and visual content on this page, and join the adventure by following @ClanCrusader on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

NEW FOR 2021: Exclusive range of Clan Crusader Merchandise

WATCH: Blades of GLory – Johnny Blades and the Clan

WATCH: Mull 1972 – The Clan’s Crusade

WATCH: A word about the upcoming Clan Crusader film, “Blades of Glory”

WATCH: Why can’t I fit these driveshafts to my Clan Crusader?

WATCH: Ride shotgun in a 1971 Clan Crusader – essential shopping trips have never been so seventies…

WATCH: A lap of thrilling Cadwell Park with the Clan Crusader…

WATCH: PopBangColour ‘Continuous Car’ Clan Crusader drawing timelapse

PopBangColour Continuous Car Drawing of the Clan Crusader

Here’s a selection of parody posters and scenes from the big (and small) screen that (don’t) feature the Clan Crusader. How many can you name…?

Here’s a gallery of photos documenting this very seventies, brown Clan Crusader…